Be connected to your own online rural mothers group.
Find your tribeJoin and be matched with other rural mums in your own small tribe.
Apply for a scholarship to access the program for free.
Need a helping hand? We offer scholarships for rural mums experiencing financial hardship so you can access the program for free. Click HERE to apply for a free place.
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Motherland Village enables you to form meaningful connections and friendships with other rural mums in your own small personalised group. You’ll have the freedom and flexibility of communicating remotely with your group through our program. All you need is the internet, and Facebook! By signing up, here’s what you’ll get access to:
Isn’t it about time you did something for YOU!?
But if you still need convincing to join, or you just want to chat more about the details of the program, please email and request a follow up call with Steph who will happily chew your ear off!