Motherland Village is open to rural and remote mums who are craving connection. Our scholarship recipients have a connection to the land or agriculture, whether directly through their home location, career, or family, or indirectly through their spouses. We do accept isolated mums not necessarily connected to agriculture or a farm on a case by case basis in extenuating circumstances.
We offer our six week online program for rural mums with children aged 0-3 years, 4-10 years and 11-18 years.
Reasons rural mums join:
Mothers who receive a Motherland Village scholarship agree to commit to the six week program by engaging with other group members through weekly online activities and by showing up to all three live Zoom sessions with their group’s facilitator which are held on an evening during week 2, 4 and 6 of the program.
Groups will be made up of other rural mums who have paid for the program and who are genuinely seeking connection, so it is important that everyone commits equally to provide the best experience for all.
Motherland will only consider applicants who can enthusiastically commit to the program.
Motherland Village is open to rural and remote mums who are craving connection. Predominantly our scholarship mothers have a connection to the land or agriculture whether directly through their home location, career, or family, or indirectly through their spouses. We do accept isolated mums not necessarily connected to agriculture or a farm on a case by case basis in extenuating circumstances. We offer our six week online program for rural mums with children aged 0-3 years, 4-10 years and 11-18 years. Reasons rural mums join: – Geographically isolated – Socially isolated – Unable to access a local mothers group – Want support through the newborn months and beyond – Craving a new social circle free from judgement – Want the chance to form new friendships with other rural mums around the country. Mothers who receive a Motherland Village scholarship agree to commit to the six week program by engaging with other group members through weekly online activities and by showing up to all three live Zoom sessions with their group’s facilitator which are held on an evening during week 2, 4 and 6 of the program. Groups will be made up of other rural mums who have paid for the program and who are genuinely seeking connection, so it is important that everyone commits equally to provide the best experience for all. Motherland will only consider applicants who can enthusiastically commit to the program.